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Stuttering and others.

Stuttering is funny. But you can be a serial killer who hunts down normal people who can't do anything about not laughing on something what's funny.

You stutter, and it's funny or awkward. There's no third way, that's the way these things are. You don't want to face with that (I wonder why), and that's what makes you angry instead of understanding. 

I was laughed by my speach therapyst once. I was shocked. I was laughed by my best friends behind my back. I was shocked. While I was still a covert stutterer, my best friend told me his experiences, thoughts about a severily stuttering classmate (people do not consider mild stutterers stutterers!) with natural sincerity. I was silently shocked, because I suddenly realized that 1: I can't blame people for their attitudes; 2: when people talk about understanding, accepting stutterers, that's a pious fraud to deal with that awkward phenomenon. Once you saw into that truth, you rather want to made fun of than been sympathized with. And 3: I can't get angry on that because of 1. 

Suddenly I felt totally alone. I stared at my friend and knew that we can't be friends anymore. We never were, because I lied to him: I tried to hide or face-lift my stutter. He asked me what's the matter. Strangely I didn't stutter then.

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Now way I’m giving up stuttering!

What's a gene? A string of commands. What's a command? A chemical phenomenon. And what's that? A primitive urge. – Genetics doesn't explain a thing. Your parents gave you the wrong neurological strategies, so you're more likely to develop a state of mind that causes you to stutter. But those strategies come from foolness. And you take them by foolness. I can't explain now what that means, I'm just confronting myself: could you first face the fact that you are completely nuts? For me it's hard. I say: "Yes of course" – but I add quietly: "Since I'm not a fool." But it doesn't work that way… So I remain a suffering or proudful stutterer. I wonder, what could be that important, for what I rather stutter than confess it to myself. Must be a very primitive and strong urge, in the very deepest of my soul. That strange monologue is as well just beating about the bush.

Now way I’m giving up stuttering! Read More »

Stuttering is just a side-effect of something else.

Saying that anxiety causes/triggers stuttering is like saying that the lightning causes/triggers the thundering.

They think that anxiety is the charge of the elements in the sky – but they're wrong. It's the lightning, even if it sometimes light the whole sky. 

That's why Pagoclone and other medicines can't cure stuttering.

Lightning is the fear/anxiety of stuttering. When we're going into a hard speaking-situation, the world shakes for a moment. After that comes the cramp in our stomach, the tension in our muscles etc., we all know these things which are variable of course. At times we manage to speak well, and the sky lightens up. But if we don't, then: BANG!

It's the same as in love. When we see the loved one, comes the lightning. Then comes the stress. Then we win or fail. 

Everybody talks about stuttering – and nobody considers seriously that we have been speaking fluently a lot. I'm now almost completely mute, my stutter is that severe, but I've lived 15 years with a covert stutter which is challenging of course and stressful, but imagine how many success you gain either! I'm mute because I was very fluent, "I had the best girl in my town"!

So: you're on wrong track if you examine the lightning to explain stuttering. "I didn't get the girl, because I was anxious" – aha of course buddy, but the truth is that you were anxious because you wanted the girl badly. Don't blame anxiety. It's not the cause. And not the trigger either; when anxiety comes, the trigger had already been pulled. I wonder, again, why.

Stuttering is just a side-effect of something else. Read More »

Delayed ejaculation.

The more you want to speak, the higher the dopamine level gets. You're a very desperate stutterer, so you stutter severely. It's the same (or more precisely: the opposite) as in premature ejaculation (pagoclone had been developed for that problem) and in Turette syndrome. You can't resist to not stutter. Or much more precisely: you can't resist to speak well. You want it so bad, hence you stutter. Stuttering is a delayed ejaculation. 

It's a primal urge in you. 

I wonder, why.

Delayed ejaculation. Read More »

Asif és Hans

Asif egy hatvan éves férfi, aki 50 évig súlyosan dadogott, mikor aztán hajótörést szenvedett, és egy lakatlan partszakaszon rostokolt két hétig, csaknem biztosan abban, hogy itt fog pusztulni. Ott valamire rájött, és egy az egyben megszüntette a dadogását. Aztán megmenekült, és szép csendesen elkezdett írni a Fórumra. Mikor aztán szép lassan lépésről lépésre előállt a meggondolásaival, hogy hogyan lehet abbahagyni a dadogást, szisztematikusan támadni kezdték, őrültnek, gurunak, hazugnak bélyegezték, és hihetetlen energiával védekeztek a jótanácsai ellen. Végül elüldözték a fórumról. 

Hans hasonlóan egy olyan ötven éves férfi, aki szintén megszüntette a dadogását, súlyos depresszióból kilábalva. Ő a légynek se ártott, mégis mihelyt pedzegetni kezdte, merre kéne menniük a dadogóknak, azok támadni kezdték, ugyanúgy, ahogy Asifot. És távozott ő is, ahogy az utóbbi.

Levélben később mindkettejükkel felvettem a kapcsolatot, nagyon értelmes emberek, akik úgy élték meg a fórumon való tartózkodásukat, mintha őrültek házába kerültek volna.

A könyv végére megtudhatjuk, miért.

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Innocent but selfish mothers.

Of course you don't stutter just because your mother didn't like you, but that's a fact that a mother can't like her precious creature's infirmity (that's a part of her motherness): she tosses him/her to therapy, she listens worridly, she's annoyed by the stammer, she's ashamed in front of the relatives and others (she feels that it's her fault), and she can't hide it; for a 3-4 year old kid the mother is still the Godness, and if you see in her eyes that you're good, loveable, then – and only then – you feel yourself good, loveable too. The tragedy is that a mother doesn't really know that a "little kid" is already a totally developed human being without a strong self-awareness, who knows, feels, fears everything she does. 2-4 years: you are building your self-awareness just right at that age! So what you've built then, chances are you're carrying it now.If then you happened to consider yourself as ugly, abnormal, just not quite enough (and these considerations are strong feelings) – then no matter what has happened since then, it's part of your consciousness as an adult, unless you didn't fight over these issues at puberty. And if you're still a "stutterer" then you didn't. Of course it sounds harsh and disturbing (even I haven't delt with them yet), but these are very strong psychological facts which cause light or even very severe personality problems, and the more you yell and shout against them, the more thinking you should do about yourself… 

Asif claimed that he still stutters from time to time; and it's true that stuttering is not entirely something that developed "in your mother's ear". But consider that everybody stutters, or: nobody's fluent – our vocal chords just weaker a bit, so we have 90-95% fluency, not 95-99%. Or in extreme examples, it may be 70% – the point is, that there's no gap, confine between the 90-95% and the 95-99%, there's no "stutterer" and "fluent". Without a mother's ear (or another dominant person's ear) there's no stress about it at early age, and the fluency doesn't dwindle away like the magic essence out of the little king's hands. 

Innocent but selfish mothers. Read More »

Beauty and Infirmity.

She was 16-17 when she became really "the prettiest thing in the world", you know that type of girls. She was beautiful but a little shy, not in a weird sense, but with a bit of loneliness in her eyes. She was a poet almost in secret, she was oversensitive, very intelligent. Even more, she had a tiny little wart in her face, what made her even more beautiful, like Crawford but a much more sensitive way. And it definitely made the boys fall in love. She had boyfriends, she was talkative and sometimes extroverted etc., but nobody really understood her (and nobody could tell, if she was an angel or a silent devil). – I sympathized with her in a deep way, because she had the same psychological symptoms that me. I met her and from all of a sudden we felt we were twins. But i really didn't know what bothers her "in her deepest soul", maybe a childhood accident or something, i wondered.

Then came the weird memory. I had already known this girl from a distance when she hadn't burst into flower. Well, the only thing i remembered, was her wart. That was way before he became a hottie, and i had to admit that she's pretty, but as i remembered, her wart was.. well, like that english word, "wart", it's annoying, disgusting, sounds like a dutch nightingale. I was horrified when i remembered that i hated her for that, well, i didn't even saw her, just her wart. Her wart ruled her face in my eyes, and i hated her for even have to look at her. She was annoying, and i thought she deserved to be reserved. When my friends told me she is an undiscovered angel, i honestly surprised and mocked her.

I was really shocked. Weird memory. But i could wonder then how much pain, embarrassment, self-hate had came from that little wart. Later, when with couple of friends we were at a public place, we asked a little kid, if he thought that this girl is beautiful. He surprised us: "I don't like her because of that thing on her face". We laughed out loud, but i saw the girl's beautiful face turn beet red. But she sighed and managed to laugh, so even her boyfriend didn't recognize her pain. Well, i think now that she managed to hide it from herself too. No matter that her boyfriends all cossets her "wart" (really don't like this word), and they like it so much they would kiss it off – and no matter that these kisses perhaps convinced even herself that it's not that bad; the memories burned in her body and mind so so deep that she's terrified when she have to face with, well: with herself, because for so many years, she had probably identified herself with her wart.

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