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most mi legyen???

ma voltam a pszichiáternél. Nem tudom, hogy hogy reagáljam le, tudom hogy hosszú folyamat és azt is tudom, hogy egyik napról a másikra ne várjak csodát.

Az tetszett, hogy végre már valaki kérdezgetett az élettörténetemről, és próbált következtetéseket levonni. És azt is mondta, hogy egyáltalán nem vagyok reménytelen eset. 

Csak az nem hogy: 7000 ft egy fél óra!!! igaz, hogy azt mondta hogy havonta elég járnom vagy 2 hetente.. de akkor is… szerinte jól lehet haladni és egy fél óra alatt sokkal jobban, mint egy óra alatt… én nem tudom szkeptikus vagyok.jelenleg nem vet fel a pénz, és nem akarom ezt a kevés kis pénzemet is kidobni.

De lehet, hogy pont azért csinálja, hogy ne erősítse bennem a betegségtudatot? Nagyon sajnálom, hogy régen az anyukám annyi magánorvost fizetett nekem. Én hülye meg vettem komolyan, nem néztem semmibe az egészet. Nem akartam gyógyulni…azt hittem, hogy rosszat akarnak nekem, tehát így esély nem lett volna arra, hogy sikerüljön. Most a saját káromon tanulok.:(:(

most mi legyen??? Read More »

We don’t remember what we haven’t experienced.

At my lowest point of my life (my covert stutter exploded in disaster) I had an IQ test. Accidentaly it was the same test, exactly the same that I had a few years before. And the result was much lower. I told the prof the fact and he said that I must be lying because if it's true then it's dementia. Anyway, he didn't believe me. Since then nobody could explain me that. IQ can't be lowered by tiredness and like.

Well, it's not dementia, but it's strongly stuttering-related. The most of us can't really react to a thread like this, because we lived our whole life as stutterers, and we can't really tell if we have memory problems or not. We suspect it from time to time though. 

We don't remember to our early years because it was traumatic. The very essence of traumas is that you don't really experience them. You block it out, lock it out. That's why our early childhood seems to be a leaky farm on the moon.

We don’t remember what we haven’t experienced. Read More »

(A kognitív viselkedésterápiáról)

Cognitive science is the most advanced understanding of the complex relation of mind and body, emotions/thoughts and behaviour/reflexes. Cognitive behaviour therapy is known the best in treating phobias – and yes, stuttering is a phobia, phobia of losing control in a speach-situation. 

Even so, the therapy uses false methods, even if they succeed. We do not just think that fluency might disappear, we experience it day by day. It's reality, even if it's root is false. Programming into us that nobody gives a damn about our stutter would be a lie. Programming into us that "we can do it", recoding our social- and self-awareness: yes, that's the clue, but it's not that simple. In theory cognitive therapy misses a chain link; but in practice this chain often appears viewlessly, so the therapy works (that's why McGuire program or other therapies too might work by accident). At length, I'd recommend this therapy rather than any other. That accident could happen mostly of all there.

(A kognitív viselkedésterápiáról) Read More »

Hardbound thoughts about speech therapies.

Speech therapies in long-term thickens stuttering. It works for a while because we experience control over our speaking and it relaxes us. But this type of control is the very same mistake that causes stuttering, our wanting to control our speak. 

I wag my head with sadness when I see the videos of that famous program which I won't name because it would be rude. Those poor people are fanaticized, and even if their "control" remains for the end of their lives, they are drug addicts for whom the unwise, profane doctors prescribe another type of drug from the same stem, which of course give them the effect they've starved, but don't cure them and in long terms make them much more sick. They are made stutterer-soldiers, who will eventually fall apart disastrously when their energy drains. As a philosopher I often deal with attitudes like pride, hope, bravery etc. You would be strongly surprised if you knew the real core of them.

You can see the pure horror (the horror that just we can recognize) at times in Gareth Gates's eyes even in his most adequate interviews, if you watch unbiasedly. His castle in the air could fall apart at any time. Saying that "it isn't a cure" is just a temporary help. 

I had deceived myself with techniques for such a long time, and been pinched with hunger, that I decided to turn over this issue without expedience; and I've found that therapy can not work against stuttering. It's the little devil again in an angel's vesture. 

Pagoclone is not a cure either, but it really works against stuttering. If you believe in Pagoclone, than you logically can't believe in therapies, because the essence of therapy is to satisfy our brain with controlled speaking, and no matter that it abolishes dopamine (like orgasm) for a while, in the end it hightens dopamine (like the more orgasm you have, the stronger need you are developing). It's like switching to another partner to get out of the habit of making love. Or like getting the Kama Sutra to heal premature ejaculation. (Sorry for using sexual methapors all the time, but they are strongly similar to stuttering issues because of dopamine.)

Hardbound thoughts about speech therapies. Read More »

Phobia of losing control in speaking situations.

Delusions of impotency.

I have to confess something to myself: I didn't believe that there are mentally healthy stutterers. While I've been wandering around in the past life of the Forum, I was always suspicious about these strong fellows, like grantM [grantM a tipikus katona: nem áltatja magát, hogy a dadogás gyógyítható, ezért a sorssal való kőkemény szembenézésre buzdít]. Now that I've managed to understand that phenomenon, I can tell honestly, that I had considered these guys fake, who lie even to himself. I gave it 90%, now I give it 5%. So I have to apologize to myself feeling that impotent.

Okay, but why is it so important? 


There were a scientific experiment. Scientists were doing what they really enjoy: they tortured mice without mercy to proove their theory. The first group of mice reacted after a long torture with depressive behaviour: they stopped fighting. But the second group just didn't stop fighting. And guess what, you can't even pity them, because they stayed healthy and gay after every electric shock, every tormenting trick, humiliation – just like they were before. 

What was the difference between the two groups? – That the scientists eliminated in their brains a gene that blocked their emotions when the torture seemed unbearable (when the brain considered no escape possibility at all). Thus they couldn't choose the depressive strategy.

So chances are that the guys like grantM, really can't be so depressed about the chain of stressful experiences very depressive for others; or they recover sooner. And it's not about "power", "mentally health", because there was no other difference between the groups.

That confutes that stuttering has psychological basis (that it grows out from general anxiety etc.). A mentally healthy man can stutter severily. Stuttering in that example is the torture, the constant little shocks. 


I have to consider very seriously, that an arachnofobic fellow can also be mentally completely healthy, a confident person, great leader etc., who suddenly lose all control seeing a spider. I'm an arachnofobic, and I remember that once in my totally fluent and confident years when I was heading home on train, a group of guys came into my cabin with strange boxes, and asked if I want to see a spider. I couldn't speak then, I just stared at them. Even now I remember the open window at my left, with the flitting trees outside, and the command, impassable dictation in my head: "If he tries to show it, I jump". It's true: I would have jumped. I told the story at home and forgot about it. 

I remember when I first stuttered at school, I ran home crying, shouting to my mom that "I can't read! I can't read!" With her I developed a technique (I had letter-phobia, and with saying "th" instead of "t" I managed to be fluent), and I hugged my mother with loose laughter. I laughed at my phobia and it disappeared. I can remember vividly to my mother's face: she was proudful. That's why I've become addicted to fluency, and when it finally fell apart, I fell apart too. Now I live in a spider-cave.

Phobia of losing control in speaking situations. Read More »

(Egy egységesített felfogás nevében)


I think that much of the confusion around stuttering is due to lack of knowledge of stress. Stuttering cannot be understood if the nature of stress is not understood. This is to be expected, as stress as a subject of study is relatively new. The father of stress studies, Hans Selye, only started to become well-known in the second half of the previous century.

Nemo is right! And I say it despite that Selye was hungarian too. 

I can say in the name of much more serious and professional philosophers (who are profs of the philosophy of science) that stress has not been understood at its essence. Nor dopamine (the whole brain is misunderstood in the "computer-theory"), and neither are you (in psychology). Their views work on the surface, but for example can't explain a complex state like a stuttering human being. They are talking about stuttering brains, stuttering traumas, fluency addiction, anxiety caused stuttering etc., but in the end they just miss the picture as a whole. 

I call them, who always deal with "anxiety": Dealers, because they develop other drugs than wanting fluency, which too in the end highten anxiety in one way or another.

(Egy egységesített felfogás nevében) Read More »

Fake elixir.

Dopamine is related to your need. When you are in love, and it's working, you stutter less, because you don't want to be fluent but to get the girl/boy, and these are not the same "excercises", so if you want love more than speaking (and it works) than you don't stutter (that much). 

That's true for all the activities. Have you seen the almost unwatchable video of the severe stutterer who volunteers to a play, and actually he manages to say his lines fluently (it's on youtube)? And after that he falls back to severe stuttering. That was because he was under pressure to act, so he miracoulosly "forgot" about stuttering for that highly dopamine-flooded moment. Because his dopamine was not related to stuttering

(That's why from Demosthenes to Churchill and Bruce Willis so many stutterer chose an orathorical career. They are the compulsive masturbators who are recovered by being prostitutes. Sorry about that metaphor, but that's very accurate.)

Fluency-obsession is the strangest elixir, because if you drink it, you stutter. And even if we now that, we must drink it. I wonder, why.

Fake elixir. Read More »