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You are the monster.

It's you who don't allow yourself to say the words without awareness – – but why could that be? Contemplate about it, and who knows what happens. Maybe you'll end up holding your head: "I'm a fool to do such a thing!" – But we are on the wrong track, talking about our "brain". We treat the brain as a computer. Come on, we're wiser than that! Your brain is YOU! Your memories are YOURS! It's not your "brain" that blocks you, it's YOU! 

If you follow my line, you end up confessing to yourself: "I want to speak fluently because I want to be normal." But why are you craving to be normal? Because you think you're abnormal. Why is that? Because of stuttering. But you stutter because you want to speak fluently. Ah, so you're totally normal! Than your stutter is the biggest foolness on earth! Not a "poor thing", a "disaster", but a dumb mistake!

But can you believe it?! After decades of humiliation, weakness, hiding, stutterer-pride, stutterer-fighting, lot of speaking fluently, lot of success as well? Can you leave all this behind and be again an almost newly born 2-4 year old child who steps into the light of the Sun and speaks out with awareness of the meaning of his words, not the words itself: "I am what I am" ??

To get to the bottom of that, you have to uncover first the brutal feeling, you're life's monster who've been chasing you since you're aware of yourself; because it's not your brain that thinks you're not normal: it's you. 

Well, I can't catch it for you. I cought mine once, and didn't stutter at all for days (before that, I'd been almost mute I stuttered that much). It never entered my head. But still the monster was stronger than me – because at that time I didn't fully understand that it is me. Now I'm gaining the courage. Next time I shake hands with him. 

Next time I shake hands with myself.

Good luck to you too!

PS.: If you're still young, maybe you should share these thoughts with an adult, one who you look up. He has probably gone through existential issues like this. With his help, you might put an end to your crazy, laughable habit to speak-fluently-to-avoid-stuttering-hence-stuttering. It's really a childish habbit! You can grow it out.

You are the monster. Read More »

Phobia of losing control in speaking situations. – The more beastly you stutter, the stronger you are.

Running around in circles.

I was running in the streets, my last circle, because I was fatigued. From the corner of my eyes I saw a man approaching me. In the morning I had decided not to speak at all, rather be mute, and I could have just running along, but as always, my body decided to play itself at the situation, so I stopped. – But I couldn't speak. I couldn't even tell him that I can't speak. The hardest situation. So with nothingness in my heart I left him there and ran along. 

But then a strange thing happened. Psychologically I was at an end, but my body overwhelmed so much that I could double my circles: I had never run that much. I was fresh and young. My body was totally "fluent", strong, courageous, on top.

I would be surprised how strong I am if I knew that it's my hard work charging my blocks.

In a speaking situation without choice we use a huge amount of energy; I stopped because I felt strong, like a young man going into war zone. I remember now that before my stutter went wild (from covert), I still had that amount of energy day by day as a young man with dreams, thorns, pride – the same energy that nowadays I only have when I'm running, for example. Other times I sh*t myself when a speaking situation ("a spider") approaches me. 

But before I'd go on the program of getting energy, changing my lifestyle, run more etc. – I must consider that in the end there's no difference between the two reactions. Both root in our phobia. GrantM, you're not better than me! We're the same old fools who compulsively think that we must fight/flee. You're a good fighter, I am a disaster. But the two groups of mice are the same, if it's true that they charge the electric shocks. Rather a fool thing to do – but surely they have a good reason, don't they? – I wonder, what is that.

Phobia of losing control in speaking situations. – The more beastly you stutter, the stronger you are. Read More »

The beggar.

What is embarrassing? – When somebody wants to do something he knows he shouldn't. Look at the beggars: we always feel a little embarrassed by them, because they ask undeservedly. We can't either give or not give them. And trust me, they are embarrassed too. That's what so uneasy in those situations.

I recognize the confidence in me when a beggar approaches me. He squirms relieved as I reach into my pocket. I start with low, confident voice to deal with him graciously; but when I feel the block coming, I glance aside. While I stutter in the outside, the recognition pierces into me without mercy; – 

I am the beggar.

The beggar. Read More »

Lost and found.


Originally Posted by Hans View Post
There is no room for thoughts on how I will say those words; they just flow. Honest concern about another person concentrates the mind completely. You may find another reason to forget yourself. It is the only way I know to feel absolutely free.

There were only two times I was completely fluent. (Not a stutterer who happens to be fluent, but a fluent, normal person.) Once when I was in love: that's the awareness of the Other Person that Hans is talking about above. I was totally lost in Her, and strangely that was the first time I found myself. So then, in the end, wasn't she me?

But Hans forgets about something. That this awareness of Others doesn't last. I won't draw now the philosophy of love.., but this is how it meant to be. You may forget yourself for moments lasting for months, years (for women it can be decades) – but then you'll find yourself alone again. 

I wonder, can I reach out with that awareness to myself…? How could I do it, if I can't love somebody on purpose?

Lost and found. Read More »

What’s stronger, the urge to be normal, or the urge to be loved?


(A szokásos randizós körkérdésre, megmondjam-e a nagy Ő-nek vagy sem.)


Real love? I've just once had a girl (whom I talked about in "Beauty and inf.") who was really similar to my mother and me, and whom I really loved. Almost every other girls were just accessories for my image. 

I can't really remember the whole thing, its kinda traumatic, but when I was reading your post, I was aghast. I know I wanted to tell her, but I didn't. And I lost her. 

Hm, a memory appears; she said to me once (and she had known I stuttered): "Is it always that good to talk with you?" – I wonder, why I didn't tell them that it isn't?

Don't compare yourself to others. Concentrate on the girl, not your speech. If she laugh about it, laugh with her! That's a good way to consonancy. And when you'll hold her, maybe you'll thank to your stutter.

Otherwise: you get so deep wounds you won't even want to get girls anymore! So don't be concerned with yourself that much!

What’s stronger, the urge to be normal, or the urge to be loved? Read More »

It’s you who never comment on your stutter.


 (A szokásos körkérdésre, miszerint meg szokták e említeni a barátaink a dadogásunkat.)


Have somebody ever loved you when you didn't loved her back? From time to time you saw her love in her little gestures, in her addicted eyes, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, and later you heard from others her secret, that "she loves you". – That's the strange, not that bothering feeling that your friends feel when they notice your avoiding gestures and your blocks.

I'd recommend you to confess! Sometimes if we confess our passion and fear, it vanishes. Tell them that you have an uncontrollable fear of losing your speach. Describe them seriously what's that like: they will immediately sympathize with you, understand your fear. They will stand at your back when you'll have to deal with strangers which will be much more frightening.

I abandoned all my friends when I had to deal with tougher times. I said to myself: "I have to be alone to deal with it. Nobody understands me." Now I know the truth, as I'm totally alone: I was too afraid of showing them my weakness. But solitude is much more scarier. Don't fool yourself!


Az "emberi érzésekben" tobzódó dadogók közt olykor engem is elfogott a fórumon a megengedhetetlen szentimentalizmus. A dadogót és a szeretteit mélységes szakadék választja el, hiszen a szeretet nem képes elviselni, hogy a másik miattunk szenvedjen. Kevés szomorúbb ténye van a mi helyzetünknek, mint az, hogy nem azért rejtegetjük mindenáron a többiek, főleg a szeretettek elől a dadogásunkat és a velejáró lelki gyengeségünket, mert ilyen sunyi módon akarunk mi is "okésak" lenni: hanem mert a szeretet nem képes elviselni, hogy a szeretett lény szenvedjen. Ennek külön posztot kellene szentelni: arról van szó, hogy a dadogók problémája nem a hiúság, mint ahogy én is hittem: hanem hogy annyira meleg szívvel akarják, amit akarnak, hogy képesek lennének ezért még magát ezt a szívet is megkeményíteni majd széttörni, ha kell. Milyen szörnyűséges, őrült szerelem az, amelyik képes lenne vasvillával kiirtani magát, csak hogy beteljesüljön?! Az egész világot otthagytam, és még én magam is azzal gyötröm magam, hogy mindezt gyávaságból, hiúságból, büszkeségből tettem, habár már végzetes ideggörcsök gyötörtek: pedig ha megérteném, ha igazán megérteném, hogy azért mondtam le önmagamról, hogy ne veszítsek el mindent –összeesnék a fájdalomtól, mint valami rögtön ható idegméregtől. Mert a mi mérgünk a Jó. Nem szabad, hogy elnyerjük Önmagunkat, mert akkor mindennek vége.

Furcsa, de még a dadogósok között is van rangsor: a legalja, amikor a szenvedésüktől fanatizált dadogók elhatározzák, hogy ezentúl "igenis" beledadognak az emberek képébe. Ők a legundorítóbbak, és ó jaj, ők a legsajnálatraméltóbbak. Ki ismeri azt a szerelmet, amelyik még a saját szerelmét is képes lenne megölni, hogy beteljesüljön? Hát nem maga az őrület ez?!- Durva másodlagos traumatizációval kéne megsebeznünk másokat, hogy értsenek: hogy is tehetnénk, ha egyszer mi sem vagyunk képesek elviselni a látványunkat? – Természetesen a "megoldás" egyik kulcsa nem más, mint hogy a szeretteink elvesztése árán, mindent feláldozva mégiscsak vállaljuk magunkat, a kisgyereket, aki megfogadta, hogy mindent megtesz, hogy elnyerje a Másik szeretetét. – De erre senki sem képes. Hisz különben nem dadogna. Hisz különben nem lenne semmi probléma. Egyszóval: őrült szerelem ez! 

It’s you who never comment on your stutter. Read More »