Enigma – The Voice and the Snake

Enigma – The Voice and the Snake

The first bowl on the earth
The second bowl on the sea
The third bowl on the rivers
The fourth bowl on the sun
The fifth bowl on the beast
The sixth bowl on the stars
The seventh bowl on the air
And the earth turned grey
Sea turned black
The rivers turned red
The sun turned cold
The beast turned pale
The stars turned fast
The air turned to poison


Enigma – The Voice and the Snake

A Hang es a Kigyo

The first bowl on the earth

Az elso csapas a foldre

The second bowl on the sea

 A masodik csapas a tengerre

The third bowl on the rivers

A harmadik csapas a folyokra

The fourth bowl on the sun

A negyedik csapas a napra

The fifth bowl on the beast

Az otodik csapas a fenevadra

The sixth bowl on the stars

A hatodik csapas a csillagokra

The seventh bowl on the air

A hetedik csapas a levegore


And the earth turned grey

Es a fold szurkeve valtozott

Sea turned black

A tenger feketeve valtozott

The rivers turned red

A folyok priosra valtoztak

The sun turned cold

A nap hidegge valtozott

The beast turned pale

A fenevad elsapadott

The stars turned fast

A csillagok gyorsan forogtak

The air turned to poison

 A levego meregge valtozott.



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