Saying that anxiety causes/triggers stuttering is like saying that the lightning causes/triggers the thundering.
The more you want to speak, the higher the dopamine level gets. You're a very desperate stutterer, so you stutter severely. It's the same (or more precisely: the opposite)
Asif egy hatvan éves férfi, aki 50 évig súlyosan dadogott, mikor aztán hajótörést szenvedett, és egy lakatlan partszakaszon rostokolt két hétig, csaknem biztosan abban, hogy itt fog pusztulni. Ott
Of course you don't stutter just because your mother didn't like you, but that's a fact that a mother can't like her precious creature's infirmity (that's a part of her motherness):
She was 16-17 when she became really "the prettiest thing in the world", you know that type of girls. She was beautiful but a little shy, not in a